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The Samsung Mobile March to a Million project is underway, and we hope you can help us reach our goal to collect and recycle one million mobile phones in 2010. Thats not our only goal! While recycling or properly disposing of mobile phones can have a significant environmental and social impact, we believe it is equally important to educate consumers about the value of this endeavor. To that end, the Samsung Mobile March to a Million program is executing a nationwide in-school education and recycling program that will teach teens about the importance and ease of mobile phone recycling, as well as encourage students, teachers and the community to recycle used mobile phones.Each school participating in the program has the opportunity to enter a sweepstakes to win either a VIP concert from the alternative rock band, Hey Monday, or one of fifty $1,000 "Green Grants" to put towards making their school more environmentally friendly*.Joining the "March" is easy. Anyone can simply collect used mobile phones from wherever they are taking up space and Samsung Mobile will reuse the materials and recycle the rest responsibly. The following links include information on the science behind mobile phone recycling, building a sense of civic awareness and encouraging participation in the program.We appreciate your support of the March to a Million program and encourage you to get involved!Find out more here.

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